Friday, September 10, 2010

Weekend 2: PRAGUE!!!!

It seems like I've been here forever, but it's only been a couple weeks. This will be our third weekend here, and we are going to Heidelberg. But last weekend was amazing, and we spent it in Prague. We had a three day weekend because of Labor Day, just like the US. I researched it, and the Germans do have a Labour day as they call it, but it is celebrated the First of May (apparently they have a Thanksgiving as well, but it's celebrated on October 3rd).

So, more about Prague!!! We left early early early Saturday morning and the train left at 7am. We got to Prague about 3pm. Long train ride with layovers, but it was all good. I've  found that I get train sick if I face the wrong direction. Never bothered me before. It doesn't bother my mind, but bothers my stomach. We spent about 24 hours in Prague, so a very quick trip. All another night would have done there is cost us more money. We got back really late Sunday night, and it was nice to have all day Monday to relax!

Prague is beautiful, if you have seen the pictures!! So many old buildings, the architecture is amazing. The streets were packed with people, heard many English speaking folks walking around! Such a huge tourist place. This picture is of the main square, and a view of what the buildings usually look like. People are everywhere, streets are not labeled well. You would often be walking in the middle of the street and not know it. The people who did have cars often seemed annoyed with all of us. Their streets are tiny too.

This is the famous astronomical clock built in 1410. Hundreds of people gathered around it on the hour to hear the trumpet people. (They are at the top of the tower, play on one side and then go to the other). If you want to know more about the clock, here is a link:

On Sunday we walked to the famous St. Vitus Cathedral. You can see it from almost anywhere in Prague. It was built over 600 years ago. This picture is over the bridge we walked on, and the big cathedral looking thing is where we walked too. There are some close ups of the architecture below.

This is the city of Prague from the top of the city! It was amazing!! Well worth the walk up. There were so many tours and whatnot that I would have loved to do if we had time, but it was hard with so many people. Definitely would be a place I'd like to return to and spend more time at.

Work is going well. Working part days at the child development center and after school program. Loving it all!

Gotta get ready for Heidelberg and do some things before bed! Good night all!!!

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