Sunday, October 24, 2010

Brugge, Belgium

October 15-17, 2010

This weekend was spent in Brugge, Belgium, located about an hour from Brussels, and an hour from the North Sea. It was quite the weekend.
We were unable to get reservations for the train because we didn't know what part of Belgium we were going to until two days before we left. I really wanted to go to Brussels because I had heard really great things about it, but the other girl had a sister that was going to be in Brugge, so we went there instead. I don't know if people from Brugge are against Brussels, but they had nothing good to say about it. I'll find out for myself someday. We left our train station about 9pm Friday night, and did not get into Brugge until noon the next day. It wasn't suppose to be this long of a train ride, but because we didn't have reservations we had a few long layovers. During the 3 hour layover we had, I lost my camera, so I didn't take any pictures except for the three of the absolutely gorgeous cathedral in Koln, Germany. This is considered a Gothic Masterpiece which took over 600 years to complete. Here is a link to a website about it, which can explain things better than I.

It was after this picture that I lost my camera, not realizing it until 2 minutes before the train left. We didn't have time to go look for it, so I left in there in hopes of finding it on the return journey home. So all of these pictures are those that I got from one of the girls that went with me.

As far as actual things to do in Brugge, there aren't a lot. The town is very picturesque. Cobblestone streets and sidewalks, buildings all attached and close together. Old architecture, very narrow. I'm in love with these types of towns, which is what many of European cities have. It just makes it feel more homey. I feel like on our walk to the hostel, we saw most of what the town was about. The churches, markets, art shows, shopping and food.

 The canals are some of the prettiest things in Brugge. They do boat rides, which I wanted to do but we didn't get the opportunity. The water runs right up to the building, which many have doors leading out. I am assuming that these were maybe once roads that were flooded and became a river of some sort. It's something I should look up . . .
 I don't recall if this is a church or some sort of government building, but they all kind of looked the same. But it was pretty. There are markets in the squares, and one had an art festival. There was also one with fresh fish, like you see in the movies. They were just packing up as we were walking by. But it sure smelled fishy!!
Belgium has some of the best food. It's a good thing I don't live here! We had the Belgium waffles and fries, and I bought some chocolate too. I bought an assorted box of chocolates, getting some I knew I probably wouldn't like much. But I was way wrong. They were all delectable! The chocolate literally melts in your mouth. I tried it! I had my waffle with nutella and banana. I probably should have had a plain one to get the taste of just the waffle, but I could still taste it. Perfect mix between soft and crunchy, and perfectly warm as well. I'll go back and get another someday!

We went out to an Irish Pub that night, what we usually do in each city we stay the night in. There was a live band playing some pretty sweet American music from the last few decades. I had fun dancing with the older folks! It's crazy that in many places in Europe, especially Germany, you see many older people in the bars drinking at all hours of the day. These people know how to live up to their name and tradition much more so then the younger people. It's astonishing!

On the way home, I took a detour since our route did not go through the station I left my camera at. I would never forgive myself if I didn't look and it was there. So I took a chance, preparing for it to be gone forever, and found it. I had left it on the counter where I bought postcards. German people are very kind. Thank you!

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