Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time for a break!!

October 30/31 and November 6/7 = Relaxing at home :D
Yes, I spent Halloween at home while there are so many other things to do. I've done day trips, but this is the first time I hadn't left town. I have big trips planned for November, and money only takes you so far. Besides, I wanted to experience all the kids I watch everyday having fun on Halloween.
On the 30th we went into town to do some shopping and get a few things we needed. It was only Erin and I, so it was not nice to have so many peoples opinions to worry about. The initial goal this weekend was to do homework, but I didn't accomplish anything but the title...sounds familiar.... On Sunday, Halloween, we went to the Aquella, or the pool. The lap pool was absolutely freezing, but after a few laps we got used to it. They had a lazy river that went outside in the cold, and a wave pool. There was also a huge slide that I went down. Topped it all off in the hot tub at the end. I've learned that the Germans, or may Europeans for that matter, aren't afraid to express themselves in any way. Walking around nude to wearing bizarre swimwear for their body type. Americans are much more conservative in that sense. We made it home in time to have dinner then watch the trick-or-treaters. We didn't give out candy (we're not made of $$ of these hundreds of Army children)! Base does trick-or-treating from 6-8. We just walked around and witnessed all that is Army. I saw so many Mario and Luigi costumes, both young and old. One housing unit made a little haunted house in the basement. The kids were pretty much done by 7. All the houses are so close it doesn't take long. Plus you sit at the front of the housing unit  if you have candy instead of kids coming to your door. Saves a lot of time. We ended the night watching the movie Halloween, in which i was thoroughly scared to my bones. That guy is just creepy!!
The next weekend wasn't to eventful. I went to the gym both days and saw the movie Secretariat (strongly recommended, by the way). I was all alone on Sunday, everybody else ended up going somewhere. This was my first alone day in awhile and I enjoyed it immensely!! Some times you just need one of those days.

Work is really beginning to wear on me. My patience is really being tested with some of these kids and even staff. Army children are so much different than air force, and you can definitely tell in some situations.

Beautiful Rainbow we saw one afternoon. Saw the ends on both sides, went over our house. Probably the most beautiful rainbow I've ever seen to be honest!

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